This website has been illustrated with research pictures which have been kindly provided by their authors. Please click on a picture to learn more about it!
Swollen nematic liquid crystal shells in polarizing microscopy, Guillaume Durey, Gulliver laboratory, ESPCI Paris
Pipette aspiration of embryonic explant. Arthur Michaut in Olivier Pourquié’s lab. Harvard Medical School
Close-up of a microfluidic chip, The Lutetium Project – Gulliver laboratory, ESPCI Paris – Microfactory
Elasticity of jell-o, The Lutetium Project,
Water in oil droplet production by flow focusing, The Lutetium Project – Gulliver laboratory, ESPCI Paris – Microfactory
Gelation of proteins Marion Roullet
Never-ending bouncing droplet, Yves Couder and coworkers, Université Paris Diderot,